Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

10 Easy Ways To Free Up A Lot Of Space On Your iPhone

10 Easy Ways To Free Up A Lot Of Spaaaaaace On Your iPhone.

perl pseudo hashes talk

light bulb conspiracy – planned obsolescence

Ello | thehowtwoguys | How to make a soda can stove

Ello | thehowtwoguys | How to make a soda can stove.

How to create a ‘Shell Shock’ Bash Update installer for OS X 10.6 | MacIssues

How to create a ‘Shell Shock’ Bash Update installer for OS X 10.6 | MacIssues.

Secure Secure Shell

Secure Secure Shell.

How Important Is A Bee? : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

I love bees.. and I love honey.. but is this what we’ll be doing soon? And what would it be like if the only trees that get pollinated are the ones that the humans decide will get pollinated?

How Important Is A Bee? : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR.

Why the Tech Elite Is Getting Behind Universal Basic Income | VICE | United States

Why the Tech Elite Is Getting Behind Universal Basic Income | VICE | United States.

Perl web scraping

Downloading Criminal podcast episodes | Sawyer X [].

Banana Pi – A Highend Single-Board Computer

a higher end raspberry pi clone

Banana Pi – A Highend Single-Board Computer.

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I've seen things. Now I'm gonna write about them.