Archive for January, 2018

ganache cli on ubuntu 16.04 in 2018

#### install ganache-cli 20 jan 2018 rca

curl -sL | sudo -E bash –
sudo apt-get install nodejs
npm -v
node -v

sudo npm install ganache-cli

sudo ln -s ~rca/node_modules/.bin/ganache-cli /usr/local/bin/ganache-cli

echo “Start with ganache-cli”

How to install Truffle & TestRPC on Windows for Blockchain development

UPDATE 2017/08/25: Now that Truffle has made installation easier, I have cleaned up and streamlined the windows install steps below. However I recommend that instead look at using the new feature i…

Source: How to install Truffle & TestRPC on Windows for Blockchain development

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I've seen things. Now I'm gonna write about them.