Archive for the ‘Culture’ Category

streets of plenty vancouver homeless documentary

Warr-Shu-Gai Almond Boneless Chicken Recipe –

Comfort food from my Michigan youth

Warr-Shu-Gai Almond Boneless Chicken Recipe –

How the West fuels the war with radical Islam – MarketWatch

How the West fuels the war with radical Islam – MarketWatch.

apps that pay you

To-do lists are evil. Schedule everything. – Boing Boing

To-do lists are evil. Schedule everything. – Boing Boing.

Dialect questionairre

I am Cambridge University linguistics professor Bert Vaux. You may have seen the viral New York Times dialect quiz based on questions from my Harvard Dialect Survey. AMA! : IAmA.

light bulb conspiracy – planned obsolescence

The Afghan Money Pit – documentary

Watch the First Episode of the Second Season of Our HBO Show | VICE | United States.

US must not forget its history of dispossession – Claudio Saunt – Aeon

US title to the land depends on legal fiction, crafted by the colonists to benefit themselves. Under the ‘Doctrine of Discovery’, which had its origins in the Crusades and underpinned the pioneering navigators of the 15th century, ultimate sovereignty over any pagan land belonged, courtesy of the Vatican, to the first Christian monarch who discovered it. Embraced by imperial powers around the world, the doctrine was adopted by the US Supreme Court in 1823. The US did not rely on Papal Bulls alone, however. It also extinguished the land title of the continent’s first peoples by treaty, executive order, and federal statute.

via US must not forget its history of dispossession – Claudio Saunt – Aeon.

Orwell’s Preface to Animal Farm

Orwell’s Preface to Animal Farm.

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I've seen things. Now I'm gonna write about them.