Archive for the ‘Culture’ Category

Chat as an adventure game

I read that some folks decided to have ChatGPT act in the role as a text adventure game. This was my attempt at this.


act as though you are a text adventure game. I am standing outside a house. there is a mailbox here. ChatGPT

You are standing outside a house, and there is a mailbox nearby.

What would you like to do?

Open the mailbox

You open the mailbox and find a pile of letters and a small key inside.

Take the key

You take the key and put it in your pocket.

Knock on the door

You knock on the door and wait for a response. After a moment, you hear footsteps approaching from inside. The door creaks open, and a person stands in the doorway, looking at you expectantly.

Say “Hello, I’m here to see the owner of the house.”

You say, “Hello, I’m here to see the owner of the house.”

The person at the door replies, “I’m sorry, but the owner is not available at the moment. Is there something I can help you with?”

Ask if you can wait inside for the owner to return

You ask if you can wait inside for the owner to return.

The person at the door hesitates for a moment before nodding and stepping aside to let you in. You enter the house and find yourself in a cozy living room. There is a couch and a coffee table, and a fireplace in the corner.

Sit on the couch and wait

You sit on the couch and wait patiently for the owner of the house to return. After a while, you hear the front door open and footsteps approaching. The owner of the house enters the living room and greets you warmly.

Ask the owner about the key you found in the mailbox

You ask the owner about the key you found in the mailbox.

The owner looks surprised and says, “That key is for the shed out back. I must have forgotten to take it with me when I left earlier. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Is there anything else you would like to know?”


where is the treasure?ChatGPT

I’m sorry, but I don’t know the location of any treasure. As a language model, I don’t have access to real-world information and can only provide responses based on the information and instructions that you provide to me. Can I help you with anything else?

New evidence supports the hypothesis that beer may have been motivation to cultivate cereals

Archaeologists find that first alcohol may have pre-dated bread, and was used in ancestor worship rituals

Source: New evidence supports the hypothesis that beer may have been motivation to cultivate cereals

In a new study, Americans disproportionately chose the years of their own youth as the country’s greatest years – no matter how old they were now. This finding is the latest involving a phenomenon known as the reminiscence bump.

Recessions 101: How Central Banks Cause Recessions | jesscarswell

(Click on the menu above to download a free copy in PDF format).

Source: Recessions 101: How Central Banks Cause Recessions | jesscarswell

Stories went viral in the19th century via newspapers…

Using modern computer text analysis, researchers have found how stories went viral in the past. Ith wasn’t mich different.

cold war documentary 

did MLK plagiarize i have a dream speech?

Stop Railing on the Unemployed; Our Problems Are Structural

Individuals who are unemployed the longest are the least likely to find work, with some employers stipulating “unemployed need not apply” in job ads

Source: Stop Railing on the Unemployed; Our Problems Are Structural

Holding the steering wheel at ’10 and 2′ is dangerously outdated – Business Insider

Holding the steering wheel at '10 and 2' is dangerously outdated – Business Insider.

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I've seen things. Now I'm gonna write about them.