Terry Pratchett’s odd math?


How to tie a few different tie knots, and how to choose the right one.

prose v2.0.0: A natural language processing library in Go

Hi Guys! I recorded 3,2 GB of jungle sounds after midnight in Thailand & if you work on a project that requires these sound effects or you like to use them for meditation you are most welcome to use them!

So you want to build an arcade stick? | GameCrate

This sun-chasing robot looks after the plant on its head


The last paragraph describes things that walk around the yard chasing sunlight

The Washington Post: Hands off my data! 15 more default privacy settings you should change on your TV, cellphone plan, LinkedIn and more.

Hands off my data! 15 more default privacy settings you should change on your TV, cellphone plan, LinkedIn and more.

Read pdf file 

Read pdf file
byu/TheMixz inPowerShell

If you have the Linux subsystem enabled you can do apt-get install poppler-utils and use the pdftotext

If you have the Linux subsystem enabled you can do apt-get install poppler-utils and use the pdftotext

Motion sense outlet

This uses a motion sensor light switch to control power to a variety of devices like monitor, speaker and light for a desktop

The Washington Post: Hands off my data! 15 default privacy settings you should change right now.

Hands off my data! 15 default privacy settings you should change right now.

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I've seen things. Now I'm gonna write about them.