What He is Actually Doing
Posted on Facebook by Glee Violette
So here is what is happening.
It’s not Trump.
He is looking so miserable because he is being forced to do WORK, and he hates doing WORK. Hopefully, at some point he either balks, or he runs out of steam at the pace he is being forced to keep. The way he is looking lately, that may be sooner rather than later. Hopefully.
All these reams of Executive Orders he is signing? He did not write a single one of them.
Some were written since the election, of things Trump promised at his rallies. But most of them were written over the past 4 years.
They were written by Stephen Miller, AKA Wormtongue, his former and once again speechwriter and adviser.
They were written by Russell Vought, who is going through Senate confirmation hearings for the OMB, which put out that order stopping all federal grants, loans and disbursements Monday.
They were written by ALL the writers of the Project2025 playbook, the agenda Trump pretended he had nothing to do with.
How many writers? Project2025 is made up of over 100 conservative organizations! THAT is why there are so many Executive Orders waiting to be signed. Trump is probably having to ice his arm every night.
What is the overall agenda? To totally tear down our government. Totally. The good with the bad. Seriously.
Rachel Maddow showed video of JD Vance praising a mentor of his, Curtis Yarvin, on a far-right talk podcast, and that mentor not only advocates the complete destruction of the governement, closing down every department and firing every single person, but then building a new corporate style organization instead, with a CEO, not a president, at the top.
No three branches of government, just ONE. A corporation, to run America like a business. And he said that the other name for a CEO is a “dictator”, and that is what America needs. Curtis Yarvin said emphatically that we must “get over” our fear of the word DICTATOR.
JD VANCE told podcaster Jack Murphy, “So step one in the process is to totally replace – like rip out like a tumor – the current American leadership class, and then reinstall some sense of American political religion.”
Jack Murphy responded in the video, “How do we rip out this leadership class? What options do we have besides voting them out?”
“This is a tough question, but this is maybe the question that confronts us right now. There’s this guy Curtis Yarvin who’s written about some of these things,” said Vance.
And Jack Murphy grinned and nodded in agreement.
That is what they plan, folks.
Corporations are businesses. They were there to make money. They are not there to take care of their workers, or the customers, or the environment, or public safety, and ESPECIALLY they are not there to hand out help to people who NEED help from disasters, or illnesses, or old age.
That is why they are starting by trying to eliminate oversight, and stop all funding of EVERYTHING. And now, gettng rid of EVERYBODY.
Trump signed a new order last night for EVERY WORKER IN OUR GOVERNMENT. In EVERY department. He is offering EVERY SINGLE WORKER, every department manager, every civil servant, every scientist, every inspector, every accountant, every researcher, every secretary - EVERYBODY - a termination package. They will get a nice payoff and perks if they agree to quit their job.
But they only have ONE WEEK to decide.
Otherwise, the threat is that they could be terminated at any time with no nice goodbye package at all.
And the threat is also there that they could be transfered from the job they know and are invested in, to doing something totally ridiculous and hateful. Trump said out loud he may send the new IRS hires to deal with immigrants at the Border instead.
In fact, he may send ANY entire department to a far-off location, uprooting and disrupting their family, as he did when he sent all the FDA scientists to a midwest location, during his first administration. Half of them quit.
The INTENTION of Project 2025 is to TOTALLY dismantle our government. And to rebuild it as a stripped down corporation, with workers only loyal to THEM.
What happens to US? We have been here before, folks. I remember the days when there were no protections for people. You worked, paid for your own food, shelter and medical bills or you died. Old people. Disabled people. Unmarried women. Children.
If you got unjustly fired, too bad. If you could not get a job because you were too old, or just got out of the hospital, or out of prison, or out of rehab, or were a disabled veteran, or disabled, period, or had kids at home, or might become pregnant, or were ANY minority that a business owner hated, too bad.
If your house burned down, if you got cancer, if you had an accident, too bad.
When I was a young adult, hospitals refused to treat people without money or insurance, even in emergencies. They died outside the door, on the sidewalk. If they ran out of money, they were pushed out the door in a hospital gown to die on the sidewalk. THIS HAPPENED. Every day.
We are returning to a MERIT based system? No more bad old DEI?
People will be hired for what they are qualified to do based on their education, accomplishments, skills and experience? BULLSH!T.
Once again, hiring will be done BASED ON THE CODE OF THE OLD BOYS CLUB.
WHAT QUALIFICATIONS does Robert F Kennedy Jr have?
Education? Harvard and then Law School. He does not have one single medical degree. And he is on record for himself saying he was a heroin addict from high school all the way through college. He dealt cocaine from his dorm room at Harvard. He got arrested. THIS IS ALL ON RECORD.
Experience? He knows NOTHING about medicine.
Nor does he know anything about managing a business.
He is a lone wolf who has traded on the Kennedy name and his famly fortune to get attention, be a celebrity, and GET MONEY.
His cousin Caroline Kennedy, JFK’s daughter, just wrote a letter to the Senate reminding them of all this, not they they were unaware of ANY of this in the first place.
HE VACCINATED HIS OWN CHILDREN, while discouraging other parents NOT to vaccinate their children, for MONEY. To fundraise for donations. To rake in their cash and do NOTHING in return but book celebrity appearances to make speeches full of lies.
Carolina Kennedy called him a predator, who used his charisma to talk his younger brothers and cousins into buying the drugs he was selling, and getting them addicted. His younger brother died of a drug overdose.
She talked of unspeakable acts of animal cruelty involving his pet reptiles. He did right it in front of people, to show off. He thought it was funny. Like he thought his prank with the dead bear cub and eating a dog were funny.
So he is not even being considered for Cabinet Head of the entire Department of Health because he is a stand-up guy with integrity and CHARACTER.
He is being hired for his NAME. Not HIS name, his father and his uncle’s name.
He is being hired because of a Quid Pro Quo arrangement. He quit the presidential race in exchange for running the only part of the government he REALLY wanted.
MERIT? Merit does not count at all. What counts is that he is all in on the vision of Project2025. To destroy the Health Department and eliminate it.
What counts is his stone-cold desire for money and power in the new Corporate American Dictatorship.
What counts is his ethnic bona-fides, his BIRTHRIGHT into the Old Boys Club.
This is happening in real time, folks.
Donald J Trump is just the figurehead in all this.
He is the cult leader who can do no wrong in the eyes of his followers. He can get away with ramming hundreds of Executive Orders, most of them illegal and unConstitutional through, like a machine gun, at our entire country.
While half the country - people too blinded by hero worship to see this affects them too - cheer and fistpump. While WE are shocked into inaction. And while our politicians DUCK, and try to figure out the best way to hang on to their careers and their power and their money. And maybe their lives.
Donald Trump removed the protection details from leaders of his last administration who turned against him - or who HE now views as an “enemy”. He released 1,500 former rogue militia members and their leaders back onto the streets. He pardoned religious activists who harrassed and assaulted patients at women’s clinics.
The message is as clear now as it was on January 6th, 2021. Violence is OK. Don’t worry about the law. Trump doesn’t obey any. As long as you are loyal to Trump, you don’t have to obey the law either. Wink-wink.
From now on, the LAW is only what Donald J Trump SAYS it is.
So what happens if Trump is no longer President?
JD Vance steps right in, and pushes the Project 2025 agenda through with a vengeance, of course.
But here is the thing. JD does not hold the blind devotion of the cult members. They do not idolize him. In fact, they are at best lukewarm towards him. He will not be able to manipulate them as Trump does, or even pull their wool over their eyes about what he is doing, and what the adverse consequences will be for them.
Because of this, JD does not have the leverage over the politicians in Congress or the Supreme Court Justices that Trump has.
Trump MUST be stopped. By the courts, or by impeachment - but it must happen. He must be removed from office ASAP.
Or, as he is so fond of saying, “We won’t have a country anymore.”